A bandolero was an armed man who was devoted to steal and plunder. In general, they used to attack travelers in squads in dangerous mountainous paths. The figure of the bandolero is very old in Spain; it was born in regions where misery and injustice led people to smuggling and crime in general, creating an organized collective form of looting. Bandoleros appeared in Spain during the XVIII and XIX centuries, especially in regions like Andalucía, Castilla La Mancha and Cataluña.
Bandoleros in Andalucia were very common because of the backwardness in education from common people in villages, the enormous distance between social classes and the carelessness on the part of the authorities when suppressing these marginal attitudes. All these factors converged very strongly in Andalucia, being the Guardia Civil (Civil Guards) unable to stop them.
The Bandoleros were a milestone in the history of Southern Spain. They became great legends due to the fact that the people remembered them as heroes and used to distort their acts in order to glorify them.
Bandoleros were clasificated into handsome/ brave or smugglers. Some of the best-known bandoleros in our region were Francisco Esteban, El tragabuches, and José María El Tempranillo.
Bandoleros were clasificated into handsome/ brave or smugglers. Some of the best-known bandoleros in our region were Francisco Esteban, El tragabuches, and José María El Tempranillo.
A bandolero stabbing an opponent and José María "El Tempranillo" portraid and riding a horse.