

A bandolero was an armed man who was devoted to steal and plunder. In general, they used to attack travelers in squads in dangerous mountainous paths. The figure of the bandolero is very old in Spain; it was born in regions where misery and injustice led people to smuggling and crime in general, creating an organized collective form of looting. Bandoleros appeared in Spain during the XVIII and XIX centuries, especially in regions like Andalucía, Castilla La Mancha and Cataluña.

Bandoleros in Andalucia were very common because of the backwardness in education from common people in villages, the enormous distance between social classes and the carelessness on the part of the authorities when suppressing these marginal attitudes. All these factors converged very strongly in Andalucia, being the Guardia Civil (Civil Guards) unable to stop them.

The Bandoleros were a milestone in the history of Southern Spain. They became great legends due to the fact that the people remembered them as heroes and used to distort their acts in order to glorify them.
Bandoleros were clasificated into handsome/ brave or smugglers. Some of the best-known bandoleros in our region were Francisco Esteban, El tragabuches, and José María El Tempranillo.

A bandolero stabbing an opponent and José María "El Tempranillo" portraid and riding a horse.


The Holy Week in Córdoba and Montoro

The week leading up to Easter, and especially Holy Thursday and Holy Friday, is full of ritual, display and devotion. Throughout the week, costaleros from Thirty Catholic associations, or brotherhoods, bear images of the Passion of Christ and of the Virgin Mary on their shoulders through the narrow streets for hours, taking turns under the heavy load. These massive, wooden pasos are carved, gilded platforms for the images and carry elaborately depicted Biblical scenes. They seem to float through the crowds, rocking gently with the trained step of rows of unseen costaleros, whose difficult maneuvers become acts of Faith. Thousands of candles and masked penitents leading the way and trailing behind, accompanied by music, add to the solemnity and symbolism.

Some penitents walking along the streets of Córdoba.

The Virgin of Peace and Hope.


Amazing Greece!

Some words by Mª Angeles:
My trip to Greece has been one of the most interesting experiences in my life, because I had the opportunity to visit another country and to meet other cultures -Greek, German, Norwegian and Italian.
One of the things that I enjoyed the best was our excursion to Meteora, with its impressive and shocking mountains.
My favourite night was the one we spent bowling. Thanks girls! I am not a very good player, but I was pleased to be given the opportunity to play it.
Besides, this experience helped me to practise English in a new way for me.
I would like to tell everybody in Volos thank you for those eight unforgettable days, and especially to Christina and her family.
To finish with, the most important thing for me: I have got international friends called Christina, Julia, Rachel, Vadinos, Luigi, Yannis, Maria, Lia... Thank you for your warmth and your reception. You will always be in my heart.

Hugs and kisses,

Mª Angeles